Neighborhood Nick

Meet Nick

Hello, neighbor! My name is Nick Hinton. I am a bookkeeper and financial planner from Melbourne, Florida.

My mission is to help improve your financial situation, while saving you the most money possible.

I specialize with maximizing efficiency on a limited budget. There’s no need to pay more for services that you may not need.

Nick’s Story and Vision

Throughout early adulthood, I wasted my time and money on things I wanted. After several years, I had built up over $20,000 in credit card debt. I had no savings and found myself in quite a hole. I didn’t even know where to start, I just knew I had to start somewhere. I obviously couldn’t afford “professional” help, so I looked for free services wherever I could. Some banks offer planning help, my local veterans center had a program to help with budgeting, and Dave Ramsey seemed to know a thing or two. Although these can be great resources, none of them felt… personal. I desperately needed someone to guide me, but I could not find this anywhere.

It took several years to figure things out and clean up my situation. I remember the days of not even wanting to open my bank account, because I didn’t want to know how bad it was. Through trial-and-error, I have learned how to take charge of finances. Now, my wife and I have no bad debt, have an emergency fund, contribute to retirement, set up investments for my son, and live well within our means.

We all know that they should teach about finances in school. The free services we can find just aren’t “personal” enough for what many people need. Well, my mission is to provide a personalized approach to each specific situation that fits in your budget. I want to see each person and small business succeed to their fullest.

Take Care of Your Financial Future

I am dedicated to meet your financial needs every step of the way!

Individuals & Families

Planning for a Purpose

  • One-time personalized and realistic budget
  • Financial assessment
  • Recommendations & education
  • Action plan for success
  • Planning for retirement and savings goals
  • Forming a realistic path for paying off debt

Financial Coaching

  • Adjusting to a volatile budget
  • Improve margins
  • Texting for regular communication and questions
  • Monthly meetings to review progress and obstacles
  • Monthly reports
    • Based on Monthly Statements (Basic)
    • Based on Weekly Transactions (Intensive)

Small Businesses & Self-Employed

Money Box

  • Snap-and-go
    • Snap photos of your business receipts and invoices
    • Upload to our shared Google Drive
    • Store cash in your “money box” – count weekly and before withdrawals
    • I take care of the rest!
  • You can expect:
    • Accurate record-keeping
    • Constant access to a history of every transaction and your overall financial picture
    • Monthly reports
    • Ongoing communication and regular meetings
  • I can also:
    • Send invoices
    • Prepare tax forms
    • Act as tax liaison with your accountant
  • Together, we will:
    • Discuss investments and retirement
    • Prepare for the ups and downs
    • Get your business running smoothly
    • Create peace of mind with your finances

Traditional Bookkeeping

  • Accurate record-keeping
  • Monthly financial statements
  • Send invoices
  • Payroll processing
  • Tax liaison with your accountant
  • Self-auditing to ensure internal controls maintain financial security
  • Training employees for proper handling and accountability of finances
  • Act as your financial defense, so you can focus on offense in your business
    • Cash flow forecasting and analysis
    • Budget creation and monitoring
    • Expense optimization & efficiency
    • Financial planning

Ready to Dive in?

Neighborhood Nick has your best interest in mind – I want to see my community grow and succeed. My mission is to guide you through every step of your financial journey, ensuring you have access to personalized solutions that fit your unique needs. Contact me now to discover how I can help you achieve your financial goals. Your brighter future is just a click away! Won’t you be my neighbor?

Contact Nick

Personalized Financial Solutions – Lets Discuss Your Needs!

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