Providing personalized financial solutions for small businesses and households on a budget.
Hello, neighbor! My name is Nick Hinton. I am a bookkeeper and financial planner from Melbourne, Florida.
My mission is to help improve your financial situation, while saving you the most money possible.
I specialize with maximizing efficiency on a limited budget. There’s no need to pay more for services that you may not need.
Throughout early adulthood, I wasted my time and money on things I wanted. After several years, I had built up over $20,000 in credit card debt. I had no savings and found myself in quite a hole. I didn’t even know where to start, I just knew I had to start somewhere. I obviously couldn’t afford “professional” help, so I looked for free services wherever I could. Some banks offer planning help, my local veterans center had a program to help with budgeting, and Dave Ramsey seemed to know a thing or two. Although these can be great resources, none of them felt… personal. I desperately needed someone to guide me, but I could not find this anywhere.
It took several years to figure things out and clean up my situation. I remember the days of not even wanting to open my bank account, because I didn’t want to know how bad it was. Through trial-and-error, I have learned how to take charge of finances. Now, my wife and I have no bad debt, have an emergency fund, contribute to retirement, set up investments for my son, and live well within our means.
We all know that they should teach about finances in school. The free services we can find just aren’t “personal” enough for what many people need. Well, my mission is to provide a personalized approach to each specific situation that fits in your budget. I want to see each person and small business succeed to their fullest.
I am dedicated to meet your financial needs every step of the way!
You work hard for your money – let’s be smart with it!
Keeping your books organized to fully understand your company’s financial picture throughout the year and make tax season a breeze.
Personalized Financial Solutions – Lets Discuss Your Needs!